APIs.json Schema

These are all of the schema we encourage API producers to include in their APIs.json indexes. They provide the metadata needed to properly describe API contracts, indexes, blueprints, and other ways of using APIs.json.

AID - A unique identifier for the collection, consisting of [root domain]:[string] (ie. apis.json:spec-example).

APIs AID - A unique identifier for the api, consisting of [root domain]:[string] (ie. apis.json:spec-api).

APIs Base Url - Web URL corresponding to the root URL of the API or primary endpoint.

APIs Contact - An object to describe a person.

APIs Name - Human readable text description of the API.

APIs Human Url - Web URL corresponding to human readable information about the API.

APIs Name - URL of an image which can be used as an "icon" for the API if displayed by a search engine.

APIs Name - Name of the API.

APIs Overlays Type - The type of overlay being made available.

APIs Overlays URL - The URL for the overlay.

APIs Overlays - An optional list of overlays to apply to individual APIs.

APIs Properties Data - The data for the property. * must be url or data.

APIs Properties Media Type - IANA media type representing the property.

APIs Properties Name - The display name of the property.

APIs Properties Type - Different properties of an API, see the list of APIs.json properties for a complete list.

APIs Properties URL - The URL for the property. * must be url or data.

APIs Properties - The human and machine-readable properties of an API.

APIs Tags - This is a list of descriptive strings which identify the API.

APIs Version - String representing the version number of the API this description refers to.

APIs - List of APIs identified in the file.

Common Media Type - IANA media type representing the property.

Common Name - The display name of the property.

Common Type - Please see reserved keywords below.

Common URL - The URL for the common property.

Common - A list of common properties for use across all APIs and tools.

Created - Date of creation of the file.

Description - Text human readable description of the collection of APIs.

Image - Web URL leading to an image to be used to represent the collection of APIs defined in this file.

Include Name - The name of the APIs.json file referenced.

Include URL - The URL of the APIs.json file referenced.

Include - Additional APIs.json to include with the index.

Maintainers - Who is responsible for maintaining an APIs.json.

Modified - Date of last modification of the file.

Name - Text string of human readable name for the collection of APIs.

Networks Name - The name of network being made available.

Networks URL - The URL for the network search node.

Networks - A list of other APIs.json search indexes to include for discovery.

Overlays Type - The type of overlay being made available.

Overlays URL - The URL for the overlay.

Overlays - An optional list of overlays to apply to primary APIs.json.

Specification Version - Version of the APIs.json specification in use.

Tags - This is a list of descriptive strings which identify the contents of the APIs.json file. Represented as an array.

Type - Type of collection (Index [of a single API], Collection [of multiple APIs], Blueprint [of a new API]).

URL - Web URL indicating the location of the latest version of this file.