API.json Blog

Considering Some New APIs.json Types - I am evaluating all of the enums for APIs.json before I plan for the next version. One of the enumerators that haven’t been updated in a while, but has some interesting changes on the table is the type property. To date the APIs.json type property...
A New Website for APIs.json - It was time for an overhaul of the APIs.json website. We wanted to align it with a makeover coming for API Commons, as well as with APIs.io. It has been about four years since we overhauled the website, and it used a template that had been associa...
A Proposal for APIs.json Version 0.17 - We have posted a draft proposal for APIs.json 0.17 based upon the work we've been doing with APIs.io over the last couple of months. The project has been dormant for a while, but with renewed investment in APIs.io, we are finding a need for new pr...
The Future of APIs.json (2020 Edition) - This website and the conversation around APIs.json has been dormant for a couple of years. This was due to acquisitions, job changes, and just not enough time to invest in the specification beyond just putting it to use. Even though we haven’t it...
APIs.json Is An Index For API Operations - As part of the latest wave of work around the APIs.json format We wanted to take some time to help folks better understand exactly what APIs.json is, and what it can do for API providers, consumers, as well as the fast moving API sector. We are w...
Setting rel=api Into Motion With Latest APIs.json Release - Bruno Pedro (@bpedro) who has been building APIs.json into his API Changelog service, made a pull request to the specification recently, pushing forward the link relation conversation for APIs.json. As listed in the specification, we have long int...
Quantifying A Minimum Viable API Footprint Definition As Real APIs.json Driven Portal - I wrote a post the other day laying out what I'd consider a minimum viable footprint for API operations. My vision of just exactly what an API is, has gone beyond just the technical, ever since I started API Evangelist back in July of 2010. Early...
A Breakdown Of My Dream APIs.json File - I'm continuing my work, to help people understand what APIs.json is, and the varying ways that it can be put to use. My post the other week, breaking down Fitbits APIs.json file is a good example of where to get started, and as a follow-up I wan...
A Minimum Viable APIs.json File For Your APIs - I'm continuing my work to help people understand what APIs.json is, and the varying ways that it can be put to use. My post the other day, breaking down Fitbits APIs.json file is a good example of where to get started, but I wanted to help furth...
Breaking Down The Fitbit APIs.json File - The quantified-self API Fitbit recently added an APIs.json for their domain. Their usage of APIs.json is a perfect, dead-simple, introductory example of how APIs can start putting APIs.json for their API platform. To help other providers understan...
Using APIs.json For My Microservice Navigation And Discovery - I’m rebuilding my underlying architecture using microservices and docker containers, and the glue I’m using to bind it all together is APIs.json. I’m not just using APIs.son to deliver on discoverability for all of my services, ...
My Experiences Generating API Server or Client Code Using Swagger - When you start talking about generating server or client side code for APIs, using machine readable API definition formats like Swagger or API Blueprint, many technologists feel compelled to let you know, that at some point you will hit a wall. T...
REST API Design: Bridging What We Have, To The Future, By Organizing The JSON Junk Drawer - API storyteller J(a)son Harmon (@jharmn) has a new YouTube channel up called API Workshop. He's going to be publishing regular API design workshop episodes, with the latest one titled REST API Design: Avoid future proofing with the JSON junk draw...
What Exactly Is APIs.json? - As I travel around talking to folks about APIs, I spend as much time as I can, educating folks about APIs.json. In the course of my evangelism, I’m constantly reminded how little people, who have even heard, and read about APIs.json, really...
Next Stable Version of APIs.json + APIs.io Is Ready - Are Your APIs Discoverable? - Steve (@njyx), Nicolas (@picsoung), and I have been working hard to gather all the feedback from some very smart folks on the API.json format. Now we are stoked to finally announce that we have the 0.14 version ready for prime time. Our goal with...
Trade.gov Using APIs.json And Added To APIs.io - I've been a big proponent of APIs in the federal government, and it makes me really happy to see Developer.Trade.Gov using APIs.json to provide an inventory of APIs available at the federal agency dedicated to strengthening "the competitiveness o...
An APIs.json Collection Of API Resources Across Your Public, Partner Or Internal Resources - APIs.json was designed to be a versatile API discovery format, not just a format for public API discovery via search engines like APIs.io. An APIs.json is meant to be a machine readable index of APIs within a single developer hub, providing infor...
The Power In API Discovery For APIs.json Will Be In The API URL Type - An APIs.json file lives in the root of any domain, or subdomain, and provides references to a collection of API resources. The APIs.json is meant to be a lightweight framework, where someone can build a collection of APIs, give it a name, de...
Multiple Types of APIs.json For Discovery - I’m working through thoughts around a suggestion for future versions of APIs.json API discovery format, and as I do with other things I’m trying to make sense of, I wanted to write a blog post on API Evangelist. If you aren't fam...
Solving The Problem Of API Discovery - API discovery has not changed much since 2005, when John Musser launched ProgrammableWeb, the API directory we've all come to know and love. In 2014 (9 years later), we have Mashape and a handful of other API directory and discovery tools, but we...
Announcing APIs.json At Gluecon 2014 - One of our favorite events to attend is Gluecon in Broomfield, CO. Eric Norlin and crew has done an amazing job of pulling together the leading technologists, into an intimate venue, where they can discuss the latest technology that acts as the g...